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Annual Partners’ Event

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Our Annual Partners’ Event on April 8 was a huge success! The event proved to be entertaining, informative, and engaging for our all who attended. A highlight was hearing Kristan Hawkins call each and every person in the room to be “Davids” in our current world, with a faith so strong that we never give up on protecting and defending Life.

So far, thanks to the generosity of many of our supporters, we have raised $142,700 for mothers and families struggling to see past the seemingly impossible odds that stand in their way of choosing Life. 

Your support will help A Woman’s Concern reach our goal of $180,000 to fund our greatest needs and reach more mothers, fathers, families, and teens.

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Impossible odds set the stage for amazing miracles!

Special Guest

Kristan Hawkins

President of Students for Life

Christian, wife, mother, grassroots activist, author, speaker, Podcast host and a human rights advocate. President of Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action, she was recruited in 2006 to launch Students for Life of America’s full-time operation.

Thank you, 2024 Event Sponsors!

Reach for the summit Sponsor

Judith Cook

Perseverance Patrons

Richard Fantazier

Michael & Mary Ellen Reitmeyer

Anonymous Donor

Heartbeat Heroes

Tom & Carla Carson

Kenneth & Carol Kwiat

Linda A. Scott

Paul & Jet Lea Visneski

Knights of Columbus #867

Trailblazer Benefactors

Pennsylvania Specialty Pathology

Peter & Trish Chiccarine

Henry & Edna Christ

Joe & Amy Clupp

Edward & Denise Cutillo

Franc & MaryEllen Genoese

Terry & Pam Groft

Tony & Charlene Mastropietro

John & Andrea Miller

Sheila Schoeplein

Pete & Linda Sydorko

Clark & Beth Tomlinson

The Weitzel Family

Knights of Columbus #6810

Knights of Columbus #12532

Knights of Columbus #17028

Historic St. Mary’s Catholic Church

St. John Neumann Catholic Church

St. Leo the Great Catholic Church

St. Peter Catholic Church – Columbia

Nikolaus & Hohenadel, LLP

Basecamp Backers

Anonymous Donor

Andrew & Jill Hartman

Don & Lisa Martin

Anthony & Deborah Scicchitano

Drs. Thomas & Susanne Scott

Michael & Mary Theresa Squierdo

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church