Missed the event?
There's still time to give toward our goal!
Our Annual Partners’ Event on April 8 was a huge success! The event proved to be entertaining, informative, and engaging for our all who attended. A highlight was hearing Kristan Hawkins call each and every person in the room to be “Davids” in our current world, with a faith so strong that we never give up on protecting and defending Life.
So far, thanks to the generosity of many of our supporters, we have raised $142,700 for mothers and families struggling to see past the seemingly impossible odds that stand in their way of choosing Life.
Your support will help A Woman’s Concern reach our goal of $180,000 to fund our greatest needs and reach more mothers, fathers, families, and teens.
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Impossible odds set the stage for amazing miracles!
Special Guest
Kristan Hawkins
President of Students for Life
Thank you, 2024 Event Sponsors!
Reach for the summit Sponsor
Judith Cook
Perseverance Patrons
Richard Fantazier
Michael & Mary Ellen Reitmeyer
Anonymous Donor
Trailblazer Benefactors
Pennsylvania Specialty Pathology
Peter & Trish Chiccarine
Henry & Edna Christ
Joe & Amy Clupp
Edward & Denise Cutillo
Franc & MaryEllen Genoese
Terry & Pam Groft
Tony & Charlene Mastropietro
John & Andrea Miller
Sheila Schoeplein
Pete & Linda Sydorko
Clark & Beth Tomlinson
The Weitzel Family
Knights of Columbus #6810
Knights of Columbus #12532
Knights of Columbus #17028
Historic St. Mary’s Catholic Church
St. John Neumann Catholic Church
St. Leo the Great Catholic Church
St. Peter Catholic Church – Columbia
Nikolaus & Hohenadel, LLP
Basecamp Backers
Anonymous Donor
Andrew & Jill Hartman
Don & Lisa Martin
Anthony & Deborah Scicchitano
Drs. Thomas & Susanne Scott
Michael & Mary Theresa Squierdo
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church